The python package Simpy
provides a convenient way to program discrete event simulation that incorporate resources with limited capacity. This tutorial provides somes of the basics to use the package.
Check the simpy website for instructions on how to install simpy
in your computer (be careful not to confuse it with the sympy
package, which is different and focus on symbolic algebra).
The tutorial is organized as follows:
You are probably familiar with using functions in Python. Generators are defined using similar syntax as functions but are used in a different way.
When calling a function, it is executed "from scratch" every time it is called. Consider the following function.
def add_series(n):
while num<n:
tot += num
num += 1
return tot
result = add_series(10)
This is a simple function that adds all integers from 0..n and returns the result. Now, consider a variation of this function that incrementally adds the integers every time the function is called. This is an example of a generator.
def add_series_gen(n):
while num<n:
tot += num
num += 1
yield tot
mygen = add_series_gen(10)
print("First call: %s"%(next(mygen)))
print("Second call: %s"%(next(mygen)))
print("Third call: %s"%(next(mygen)))
First call: 0 Second call: 1 Third call: 3
The yield
command is similar to a return
in that is returns a value when the function is called; however, the function "remembers" the point at which it returned the value and proceed from that point on the next time it is called. The next
command tells the generator to resume execution from where it was until the next yield
statement is returned.
In simpy, generators are used to create entities in the simulation, which is useful to keep track of the state of the entity during the simulation as the clock moves on.
We will use two basic elements in the simpy simulation API:
For our example, consider a bank with two ATM machines. The object env
is defined as the enviroment and the atm
as a resources with 2 units of capacity (the two machines).
import simpy
# init the enviroment
env = simpy.Environment()
# define the resources
atm = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=NSERVERS)
We now define an entity and how it flows through the system. These are defined through a generator that receives as input the simpy environment that will manage the flow of the entity and the ATM resources that he will use. We also provide the arrival time and the service time of the customer (how long he uses the ATM machine), and his name.
def cust(env,atm,name,arrival_t,service_t):
yield env.timeout(arrival_t)
print('%s arriving at %d' %(name,
# Request the use of the resource
req = atm.request()
yield req
print('%s starts service at %s (waited %s)' %(name,,
# The customer holds the resource during the service time
yield env.timeout(service_t)
print('%s finishes service at %s' %(name,
# release the resource
Notice the different yield
statements inside the generator. The first yield
tells the environment to call back the generator later in time, after a timeout
of arrival_t
time units. When the env
calls the generator back again, it resumes from that point onwards. The
is a variable of the environment object that keeps track of the clock.
Then, the generator defines req
as a request of the ATM resource (atm.request()
). A new yield
command is called to make the request, and the enviroment will call back the generator as soon as the resource is idle (which could be inmediately). The generator resumes and then a new yield
is move the clock while the customer is using the resource. After the generator resumes, the resources is released, and can therefore be used to fill the request of another customer process.
To execute the simulation, we generate customer arrivals and service times. We use the numpy
package to generate these random variables according to an exponential distribution. The customer process are "scheduled" using the env.process()
function of the environment object.
import numpy as np
# Schedule the customer arrivals
t= 0
NCUST = 10
ARRIVALRATE = (1/50) * 2
# set the seed for random number generation
SEED = 777
for i in range(NCUST):
service_time = round(np.random.exponential(1/SERVICERATE))
# interarrival times
intertime = round(np.random.exponential(1/ARRIVALRATE))
# pass the customer entity to be processed in the environment
env.process(cust(env,atm,'C%d'%i, t + intertime, service_time))
t = t + intertime
Finally, we tell the environment to run the simulation with all the processes that were scheduled. The output shows the arrival times, the time each customer starts service and finishes.
C0 arriving at 9 C0 starts service at 9 (waited 0) C0 finishes service at 16 C1 arriving at 24 C1 starts service at 24 (waited 0) C1 finishes service at 27 C2 arriving at 89 C2 starts service at 89 (waited 0) C3 arriving at 126 C3 starts service at 126 (waited 0) C4 arriving at 152 C5 arriving at 154 C2 finishes service at 161 C4 starts service at 161 (waited 9) C6 arriving at 165 C4 finishes service at 174 C5 starts service at 174 (waited 20) C3 finishes service at 178 C5 finishes service at 178 C6 starts service at 178 (waited 13) C7 arriving at 190 C7 starts service at 190 (waited 0) C8 arriving at 210 C6 finishes service at 214 C8 starts service at 214 (waited 4) C9 arriving at 222 C8 finishes service at 260 C9 starts service at 260 (waited 38) C9 finishes service at 273 C7 finishes service at 370
We extend the previous example to study a system with multiple queues, similar to what could be a supermarket with multiple cashiers. We also use the example to illustrate how to store relevant information of the simulation that is used as output for later analysis.
The system is composed by three cashiers with the same service time. Arrival times vary during the day, in four time blocks.
import simpy
import random
import numpy as np
SEED = 777
ARRIVALRATES = [x*NCASHIER for x in [1/100, 1/50, 1/75, 1/45]]
#ARRIVALRATES = [x*NCASHIER for x in [1/75]]
Auto parameter
for i in range(len(ARRIVALRATES)):
TIME_INTERVALS.append((i*3600*4, (i+1)*3600*4))
Set seed
0 1 2 3 [(0, 14400), (14400, 28800), (28800, 43200), (43200, 57600)] [0.02, 0.04, 0.02666666666666667, 0.044444444444444446]
We create a list to store the changes in the occupancy of the system. By convention, -1 indicates empty cashier, 0 is server occupied with no queue and >0 is the length of queue.
data_occ: list storing changes in customers in the system (c,t,s).
* c is cashier code
* t is time in seconds
* s = -1 is empty, = 0 is server occupied with no queue ,> 0 is queue.
data_occ = []
# start checkouts empty
for i in range(NCASHIER):
Customer entities join the system and choose which cashier to join. In this simulation, customers choose the cashier with the shortest queue. The code has a similar structure to what we had before, with some additions:
is a list of resources, so customers choose which resource to requestwith
. This helps to keep the code organized and also makes the release()
command unnecessary (it is automatically triggered after the with
block is done).data_occ.append()
.def cust_choose(env, name, cashiers, arrival_time, service_time):
# client arrival
yield env.timeout(arrival_time)
#print('%s arriving at %d' %(name,
# shuffle cashiers to generate choiceset, breaking ties randomly
choiceset = list(range(NCASHIER))
# choose cashier with lowest occupancy (service + queue)
minocc = float("inf") # infinity
for i in choiceset:
occ = len(cashiers[i].queue) + cashiers[i].count
if occ < minocc:
choice = i
minocc = occ
#print('%s joins cashier %d with occ %d'%(name,choice,minocc))
# if chosen cashier is busy
if cashiers[choice].count==1:
# print("%s joins queue %d."%(name,choice))
# print("**Queue %d length increased: %d"%(choice,len(cashiers[choice].queue)+1))
joinedqueue = True
joinedqueue = False
# requests cashier after joining
with cashiers[choice].request() as req:
# update occupancy data
new = cashiers[choice].count + len(cashiers[choice].queue) - 1 # substract one by notation
data_occ.append((choice,, new))
yield req
#print('%s starts service in cashier %d at %s' %(name,choice,
#if joinedqueue:
# print("**Queue %d length decreased: %d"%(choice,len(cashiers[choice].queue)))
yield env.timeout(service_time)
#print('%s leaving the supermarket at %s' %(name,
# **** update occupancy ***
# recall -1 is empty, so substract one to real occupancy.
In the main program, we initialize the environment and create the cashier resources.
Main program
env = simpy.Environment()
Create cacshiers
cashierList = []
for _ in range(NCASHIER):
To create arrivals, we consider the non-homogenous arrival rate during different time periods of the day.
Create customers, with times and add to process
* interarrival time: exp(1/SERVICERATE)
* service times: exp(1/ARRIVALRATE)
k = 0
t = 0
i = 1
while k < len(TIME_INTERVALS):
time_interval = TIME_INTERVALS[k]
arrival_rate = ARRIVALRATES[k]
service_time = round(np.random.exponential(1/SERVICERATE))
intertime = round(np.random.exponential(1/arrival_rate))
t + intertime,
t = t + intertime
if t >= time_interval[1]:
k += 1
Running the simulation... Output is quite long, so its surpressed in the display.;
The next chunk uses the pandas
packages to export the data collected in the simulation. A csv
file is generated showing, for each cashier, the time epochs at which the occupancy of the cashier changed. by convention.
import pandas as pd
Create export dataset
name = "JoinShortest_q{}_s{}_varutil".format(NCASHIER,SEED)
OUTPUT = "{}.csv".format(name)
dfdata = pd.DataFrame(data=data_occ,columns=['cashier','time','occ'])
dfdata.columns = ["cashier", "time", "occ"]
#dfdata["Local"]= name
#dfdata["Fecha"] = pd.to_datetime("1/1/2020")
The output table, order by time, looks like this:
cashier | time | occ | |
0 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
1 | 1 | 0 | -1 |
2 | 1 | 18 | 0 |
3 | 1 | 25 | -1 |
4 | 0 | 49 | 0 |
5 | 0 | 52 | -1 |
6 | 0 | 180 | 0 |
7 | 0 | 252 | -1 |
8 | 0 | 253 | 0 |
9 | 1 | 305 | 0 |
The following code transforms the data into a format that makes it easier to visualize in a graph. It uses the matplotlib
library to do the graph
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Function to reformat into ts to facilitate plotting
def ts_data(dfdata,cashier):
sel_cashier = dfdata['cashier']==cashier
seldata = dfdata.loc[sel_cashier,['time','occ']]
#npdata_occ = npdata_all[npdata_all[:,0]==cashier,1:3]
# sort by time
#npdata_occ = npdata_occ[np.argsort(npdata_occ[:,1])]
newlen = len(seldata)*2 -1
time = list(range(newlen))
occ = list(range(newlen))
return (time,occ)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(NCASHIER,sharex='all',sharey='all')
for i in range(NCASHIER):
tsqueue = ts_data(dfdata,i)
Consider the first example of the ATM machine with a single server. We are interested in measuring the expected time at which the last customer finishes processing. What we showed previously is the result of one simulation run. To measure the outcome presented here, we need to run multiple simulations and calculate averages across simulations to estimate these expected values. We recycle some of the previous code and extend it to have multiple simulations.
# first line to suppress output
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
ARRIVALRATE = (1/50) * 2
NCUST = 10
# set the seed for random number generation
SEED = 777
endtime = []
# iterate runs
for i in range(100):
# init the enviroment
env = simpy.Environment()
# define the resources
atm = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=NSERVERS)
t= 0
for i in range(NCUST):
service_time = round(np.random.exponential(1/SERVICERATE))
# interarrival times
intertime = round(np.random.exponential(1/ARRIVALRATE))
# pass the customer entity to be processed in the environment
env.process(cust(env,atm,'C%d'%i, t + intertime, service_time))
t = t + intertime
# save the endtime of this run
Now we analize the output of the simulation and construct the 95% confidence interval. Here, the relative precision is defined as the half-width of the confidence interval divided by the midpoint of the interval.
Confidence Interval = $$\bar X \pm z_\alpha S/\sqrt{R}$$ where $R$ is the number of runs.
The relative precision is defined as: $$( z_\alpha S/\sqrt{R} - \bar X)/\bar X$$
mean_endt = np.mean(endtime)
stdev_endt = np.std(endtime)
n = len(endtime)
z = norm.ppf(0.975)
ub = mean_endt+z*stdev_endt/np.sqrt(n)
lb = mean_endt - z*stdev_endt/np.sqrt(n)
print("Mean=%f StDev=%f"%(mean_endt,stdev_endt))
print("Number of runs=%d"%(n))
print("95%% Confidence interval [%f,%f]"%(lb,ub))
print("Relative precision= %f"%((ub-mean_endt)/mean_endt))
Mean=319.390000 StDev=82.067764 Number of runs=100 95% Confidence interval [303.305014,335.474986] Relative precision= 0.050362
Suppose we want to achieve a relative precision of 2%. How many runs should we execute to achieve this precision? The half-width of the interval has to be $d = 0.02\bar X$
d = 0.02*mean_endt
Rmin = (z*stdev_endt/d)**2
print("Minimum number of runs (precision 2%%)= %d"%(np.ceil(Rmin)))
Minimum number of runs (precision 2%)= 635