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I am an Associate Professor in the School of Economics and Business at the University of Chile and researcher at Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingenieria. I am also an Associate Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School.
My research focuses on empirical research in Operations Management, with applications in service industries, healthcare and the public sector. I am Department Editor of the M&SOM journal from the INFORMS research community.
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Celhay, P. A., Gertler, P., Olivares, M., & Undurraga, R. “How Managers Can Use Purchaser Performance Information to Improve Procurement Efficiency” NBER working paper 32141
Bucarey, V., Olivares, M., Yung, D. “Labor Planning and Shift Scheduling in Retail Stores Using Customer Traffic Data” link to SSRN
Olivares, M., Saban, D., Weintraub, G., Lara, E., Zanocco, P., Moreno, P. “Saving Millions in Government Procurement Through Data Science and Market Design”, forthcoming Informs Journal of Applied Analytics link to SSRN
Basso, L., Goic, M., Olivares, M., Saure, D., Thraves, C., Weintraub, G., et al. “Analytics Saves Lives during the Covid-19 Crisis in Chile.” INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics, 53(1), pp. 1–95, Franz Edelman Special issue.doi:10.1287/inte.2022.1149
Olivares, M., Musalem, A., and Yung, D. “Balancing Agent Retention and Waiting Time in Service Platforms.” Operations Research, 71(3), pp. 791–1020, Special Issue on Behavioral Queuing Science. doi:10.1287/opre.2022.2418
Magga, L., Maturana, S., Olivares, M., Valdevenito, M., Cabezas, J., Chapochnick, J., González, F., Kompatzki, A., Muller, H., Pefaur, J., Ulloa, C., Valjalo, R.“Identifying Factors Predicting Kidney Graft Survival in Chile Using Elastic-Net-Regularized Cox Regression.” Medicina, 58(10), 1348. doi:10.3390/medicina58101348
Foncea, P., Mondschein, S., Olivares, M., “Replacing quarantine of COVID-19 contacts with periodic testing is also effective in mitigating the risk of transmission.” Scientific Reports, 12, 3620. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-07447-2
Carranza, A., Goic, M., Lara, E., Olivares, M., Weintraub, G.Y., Covarrubia, J., Escobedo, C., Jara, N. and Basso, L.J. “The social divide of social distancing: Shelter-in-place behavior in Santiago during the COVID-19 pandemic” Management Science, 68(3), pp.2016–2027. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2021.4240
Mondschein, S., Olivares, M., Ordonez, F., Schwartz, D., Weintraub, A., Torres-Ulloa, I., Aguayo, C. and Canessa, G. “Service design to balance waiting time and infection risk: An application for elections during the COVID-19 pandemic” Service Science, 14(2),90–109. doi:10.1287/serv.2021.0290
Altman, D., Yom-Tov, G.B., Olivares, M., Ashtar, S. and Rafaeli, A. “Do customer emotions affect agent speed? An empirical study of emotional load in online customer contact centers.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(4), 854–875. doi:10.1287/msom.2020.0897
Musalem, A., Olivares, M. and Schilkrut, A. “Retail in High Definition: Monitoring customer assistance through video analytics.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(5), 1025–1042. doi:10.1287/msom.2020.0865
Rudi, N., Olivares, M. and Shetty, A. “Ordering sequential competitions to reduce order relevance: Soccer penalty shootouts.” PloS one 15(12), e0243786. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0243786
Fisher, M., Olivares, M. and Staats, B.R. “Why empirical research is good for Operations Management, and what is good empirical Operations Management?” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(1), 170–178. doi:10.1287/msom.2019.0812
Terwiesch, C., Olivares, M., Staats, B. R., and Gaur, V. “Empirical Operations Management in MS and M&SOM: A Review of the Last Two Decades.” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,22(4), 645–867. doi:10.1287/msom.2018.0755
Cachon, G., Gallino, S., Olivares, M. “Does Adding Inventory Increase Sales? Evidence of a Scarcity Effect in U.S. Automobile Dealerships” Management Science, 65(4), 1455–1947. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2017.3014
Kim, S.H., Chan, C., Olivares, M. and Escobar, G. “Association among Intensive Care Unit Congestion, Intensive Care Unit Admission Decision, and Patient Outcomes” Critical Care Medicine, 44(10) 1814–1821. doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000001850
Kim, S.H., Chan, C., Olivares, M. and Escobar, G.“ICU Admission Control: An Empirical Study of Capacity Allocation and Its Implication for Patient Outcomes” Management Science, 61(1): 19-38. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2014.2057.
Kim, S.W., Olivares, M., Weintraub, G. “Measuring the Performance of Large-Scale Combinatorial Auctions: A Structural Estimation Approach” Management Science 60(5), 1180–1201. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2013.1814
Lu, Y., Musalem, A., Olivares, M. and Schilkrut, A. “Measuring the Effect of Queues on Customer Purchases” Management Science 59(8), 1743-1763.
Olivares, M., Weintraub, G., Yung, D. and Epstein, R. “Combinatorial Auctions for Procurement: An Empirical Study of the Chilean School Meals Auction” Management Science, 58(8), 1458–1481. doi:10.1287/mnsc.1110.1496
Cachon, G. and Olivares, M. “Drivers of finished-goods inventory in the U.S. automotive industry” Management Science, 56(1), 202–216.
Musalem, A., Olivares, M., Bradlow, E., Terwiesch, C. and Corsten D. “Structural estimation of the effect of stock-outs” Management Science 56(7), 1127–1145.
Olivares, M. and Cachon, G. “Competing retailers and inventory: An empirical investigation of General Motors’ dealerships in isolated markets” Management Science 55(9), 1586–1604
Olivares, M., Terwiesch, C. and Cassorla, L. “Structural estimation of the Newsvendor model: An Application to Reserving Operating Room Time” Management Science 54(1), 41–55.